This program is funded in part by Oklahoma Humanities (OH) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the program do not necessarily represent those of OH or NEH.


“Writing Worlds: The Art of Seeing in Anthropology, Fiction, and Autobiography”

Cameron University Library
Third Thursday of Each Month at 6 p.m.

Let’s Talk About It is the perfect catalyst for personal reflection, gained insight, and great conversations. Explore different genres, discover new authors, and meet other readers who love to read and talk about books.

Let’s Talk About it is a discussion group that comes together for a five-part, scholar-led series. Each scholar opens the program, bringing the book to life, provoking the group’s curiosity with insights and raising questions that spark discussion. Join for one session or the entire series as experts open each book discussion with an analysis of the text, its recurring themes, revelations about the author’s life, and historical context.

Copies of the books may be picked up at the Arts & Humanities Division Office, 801 NW Ferris (west entrance of McMahon Memorial Auditorium), Monday-Friday, 8am - 5pm. Call 580-581-3470/581-3471 or learn more at

Below is a list of the dates, titles and authors of the books, and the scholars who will lead each discussion:

Presented by The Lawton Arts & Humanities Division, McMahon Auditorium Authority, and Cameron University, with additional support from the Kirkpatrick Family Foundation and Oklahoma City University.

  • Dr. John Morris

    July 18, 2024

  • Dr. William Carney

    August 15,2024

  • Dr. David Fennema

    September 19, 2024

  • Jason Poudrier

    October 17, 2024

  • Dr. Judy Neale

    November 21,2024